Leadership By-Election Results...

Check out who your next Welfare & Community Officer is...

Leadership BY-Elections Manifesto booklet 

Manifesto Booklet 2024




Results from the 2024 Leadership Elections

Over the 26th - 29th February, students have had their say with over 17,000 votes cast to determine who your next leaders of your Students' Union will be.

Meet your 2024/25 University Councillor, Portfolio Officer and Sabbatical Officer team...


Leadership Elections Manifesto booklet 

Manifesto Booklet 2024


General Election Information


Election News Updates

Leadership By-Elections Result
By-Elections Results SU Leadership By-Elections

See who will be the next Welfare & Community Officer of your SU

Leadership Elections Results
Person pictured with microphone next to Your Vote Your Voice Decide Who Will Lead Your SU. Cambridge

See who will be the next leaders of your SU



Previous Manifesto Booklets


Manifesto Booklet 2021 Manifesto Booklet 2022  Manifesto Booklet 2023

What are the Elections at Cambridge SU?

There are 2 main election cycles at Cambridge SU.

In Michaelmas we have the Academic Rep Elections and the NUS Rep Elections.

Academic Rep Elections are your chance to decide who represents you to the University on a Subject and School level. If you want to represent Cambridge on a national level, you can get involved in the NUS Rep Elections. You will decide the 6 students, who will join one of the Sabbatical Officers, to represent Cambridge nationally. They'll hold the NUS Officers to account, vote on policies, vote in the new NUS Officers and get development opportunities throughout the academic year.

Then in Lent we have the Leadership Elections and the Campaign Elections.

The Leadership Elections are your opportunity to vote in your new student leaders, or stand to be one of them. You'll elect a team of 8 Sabbatical Officers to lead Cambridge SU, represent students across the University, and campaign for student rights locally in Cambridge and nationally. Plus we have 4 Portfolio Officers up for grabs, and we'll be running the election for the University Councillor position.

The 7 SU Liberation and Issue Campaigns are run by groups of student volunteers who you elect through the Campaign Elections. Your Campaign groups create communities and lead change for certain students. The elections are specifically for the core committee members, but each Campaign has their own constitution, so other opportunities may be available during the academic year.