Information all Undergrads should know about Exams

Exam Support written on a yellow illustrated exam table


It’s important to feel prepared for your exam, whether that’s in person or online. You can prepare by packing any materials you might need for the exam, having a bottle of water and knowing where to go. If the exam is online, you might wish to make yourself familiar with the process and technology, and plan your exam space. 

IMPORTANT!! Disabled students who have not already applied for exam arrangements and need to do so, can find information about the process, who to contact and what may be needed for an application, as well as links to further information in our Guide


What to do if you’re unable to sit an exam:

An unexpected circumstance, such as sudden illness or a bereavement, could mean you are unable to sit an exam, or possibly all of your exams. If this occurs, here are the following steps you should take; 

  • Contact your College Tutorial Office to let them know you are unwell. If you are unwell during the exam, you should inform the invigilator (if the exam is in person), or the College Tutorial Office if the exam is online

  • Contact a medical professional (where appropriate) for medical support. It is also important to obtain evidence of mitigating circumstances as close to the affected exam, or exams, as possible.

  • For an unexpected illness, medical evidence will need to be obtained from a GP or other medical professional to help explain your absence. Our Guidance on Medical Evidence explains what needs to be included


After exams: 

Nobody wants to think about what happens if your exams don’t go to plan, but it can be useful to be aware of your options as most processes have deadlines. The options available to you depend on your course and the type of issue that affected your exams. 

Our Flowchart for processes on examination-related issues could help you identify what options might be available to you. Through these processes, you can let the University know about the issues you experienced, the impact they had on your studies and/or on your examination results.


Everyone at Cambridge SU wishes you the best of luck for your exams, you've got this!


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