Mark Checks

If applying for an Examination Review and/or an Examination Allowance does not apply to your situation and you feel you deserved a different result, you could request a mark check.

You, your Director of Studies or your Tutor could contact your department which should have a process in place to provide mark checks.

The mark check process should:

• check that your marks on individual questions/papers have been added up correctly

• ensure all your answer booklets have been marked by the Examiners

• check that any reasonable adjustments relating to the marking of your assessments have been put in place

Information from the University on mark checks can be accessed here.

exam feedback

In line with information from the University, ‘all examinations data is considered to be the “personal data” of the individuals concerned under data protection legislation (i.e., the General Data Protection Regulation and associated legislation). As such, individual students have the right to access this information if it is held by the University.’

The University also states that ‘examination scripts are specifically exempted from data protection access rights. This does not include any comments, annotations or marks made on the scripts by Examiners or Assessors, which are included in the definition of “personal data”.’ As such, students are not legally entitled to receive their original examination scripts, or copies of them. 

Students can access the following data following a request to access their examination data:

• marks, classes and/or overall result(s) awarded to individual candidates agreed by the Examiners relating to any written examination, practical assessment or any piece of work submitted for assessment;

•  interim, provisional or transitional marks allocated by individual Examiners and Assessors for those same pieces of work;

• any comments (either written or recorded in some other format) made by individual Examiners or Assessors on any piece of work submitted for assessment – this includes comments and other information recorded on the examination scripts or other pieces of submitted work;

• notes or remarks made about individual candidates in minutes of Examiners’ meetings.


Options for accessing your examination data

• Submit a request to a Faculty/Department Administrator. 

• Submit a Subject Access Request to the Information Compliance Office. Further information is available here.

If the information requested is part of a request for a review of the examination results, the student will be advised to contact the Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals (OSCCA). The Faculty or department will take no further action until advised to do so by OSCCA.

If it is clear that the request for examination data is part of a request for a review of the examination results, the Chair of Examiners (or a delegated representative) will be informed by the relevant officers of OSCCA. They should make available copies of all relevant data and information, including:

• all examination scripts relating to the candidate(s) involved;

• all mark-sheets and mark-books relating to the candidate(s) involved;

• the marking and classing criteria and schemes used by the Examiners and Assessors;

• any comments or notes the examiner(s) made regarding the candidate(s)’ examination

• minutes of the Examiners’ meetings.

Further information can be accessed here.


Make an appointment

Make an appointment or submit an enquiry here.

You are also welcome to send us an email at