Cambridge Students' Awards: Shortlist 2024

Cambridge Students’ Awards Shortlist 2024

We are delighted to announce the shortlist for the Cambridge Students' Awards 2024. The ceremony announcing the winner will take place Friday 14th June 2024.


Academic Rep of the Year

Amelia Dubin
Benjamin Knight
Chalo Waya
Yugal Kishore

Campaign Impact

Campaign for better access to period products and May Week Alternative fundraising - led by Jorja Korosec
Campaign for sustainable, plant-based catering in the University - led by Plant-Based Cambridge
Campaign for the University to cut research funding ties with fossil fuel companies - led by Sam Hutton

College Officers

Emily Quin
James Walsh
Veronica-Nicolle Hera

Andre Pancholi
Beth Doherty
Martha Rand

Contribution to Access & WP

Éireann Attridge
Reading Research
Head Up!
Patrick Hickey
Sadie Berry-Firth

Contribution to Equality and Liberation

George Pool
Isabel Beresford-Cole
Nikos Kouthouri-Whittaker

Contribution to the City

Cambridge Community Kitchen
Imogen Arden-Jones
Islamic Society Community & Outreach Subcommittee

Contribution to Student Community

Chara Triantafyllidou
Dalia Bornstein
Parth Deshpande
Ranjini Nair
Sam Hutton

Event of the Year

Hands-On Science: ‘Crash, Bang, Squelch!’
India Society: ‘Sundari’
Mia Griso Dryer: ‘Beyond Non-Binary’
Robotics Society: ‘Unibots’
Watersprite: ‘The Watersprite Film Festival’

Society of the Year

African Caribbean Society
Bangla Society
Hands-On Science
Indian Classical Music Society
Investment Banking Society 

Outstanding Contribution to University Life (non-nominated)
This will be announced on the night

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