
ChemSoc is the forum for chemical discussion at Cambridge. We host weekly talks on the most exciting subjects at the forefront of chemical research, as well as holding more informal social events...

ChemSoc is the forum for chemical discussion at Cambridge. We host weekly talks on the most exciting subjects at the forefront of chemical research, as well as holding more informal social events including the ChemSoc Pub Quiz! If you are interested in finding out more, don't hesitate to get in touch!

We are excited to present four speakers for this term:

Prof Saiful Islam: Atomic-Scale Insights into Energy Materials (Batteries Included). Fri 16th Oct

Prof Andy Cooper: Making an Automonous Robot Chemist. Fri 23rd Oct.

Prof Philip Kukura: Weighing Molecules with Light. Fri 13th Nov.

Dr Richard Mackman: The Story of Remdesivir, A Broad Spectrum Antiviral for the Treatment of COVID-19. Fri 20th Nov.


There will also be two additional events this term!

Make sure to join us for the Freshers' Pub Quiz together with SciSoc on Sat 10th Oct.

Also, we have a ChemDraw Workshop (no prior experience required) on Fri 30th Oct. Please come along!