The Cambridge University Scientific Society (SciSoc) exists “to promote all branches of science and to make science accessible to all members of the University”. We do this mainly via weekly talks, on a wide range of subjects, by the world’s most distinguished scientists and leaders in the scientific community, giving our members the opportunity to engage with great minds and explore ground-breaking scientific methods and ideas.
Often, the Society is a platform for the first public exposure of new research. Past speakers include Nobel Laureates Sir Tim Hunt and Sir John Walker, eminent scientists Sir Roger Penrose, Sir Richard Friend, Sir John Beddington and Peter Atkins, popular authors Matt Ridley and Randall Munroe, and former Universities and Sciences minister David Willetts, among many others.
Since 2020, many of our talks are available on our YouTube channel. SciSoc has also produced 'The SciSoc Guide to NST 1A', a guide written by students to help first years with their subject choices and through the year, as well as to demystify the course and the University to prospective applicants, no matter their background. Additionally, we organise garden parties, dinners and other social events, where you can meet other like-minded members of the University.
A highlight of the year is the Academic Internship Event (AIE) where students share their experience and advice on getting vacation internships in academia and industry. We have covered the Amgen Scholar's Programme, various Cambridge departments, MIT, Google, UBS, Rolls Royce and others.
Visit our website for more information on all we do, and don't forget to follow us on our various socials! See you soon!
N.B. Membership is open to all. Membership is priced at £12 - members have these benefits. Clicking the above button in the Cambridge SU site will give us your contact details, but not sign you up for membership. To become a SciSoc Member, please click here.