The exam period can be difficult in many ways, but we have a wide range of information available to help you.

Whether you are looking for a good study space, considering applying for mitigating circumstances, want to know what events are happening, this hub has the information you need.

Guide to Getting Through Exams

Find guidance and information on any concerns you may have about your exams and tips on how to de-stress in this guide. Additionally, sources of information on managing exam stress can also be found on the University Student Support pages and on the Student Minds webpage here.





   Good to know

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Study Spaces

Looking for a place to study? Check out Space Finder for all available locations across the University. 

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Exam Timetable

Don't forget to keep checking the exam timetable to make sure you are prepared for all your exams. 


Advice Service

Things not quite gone to plan? Our Advice Service are here to help you explore your options.

Note-Sharing Drive

Share your revision notes wih your coursemates via our note-sharing drive.

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Accessibility Service

Do you need reasonable adjustments to library services? Check out the Accessibility and Disability LibGuide. 


Exam term means... freebies! 

We are back this year with our goodie bags and breakfasts!

For the first four weeks of term we will be visiting various University sites and Colleges to give out our bags full of freebies. The fidget toys and teabags return, and this year we have also added popcorn and, if you need a quick dinner, Indomie instant noodles! Keep an eyes on our socials for where will be next and if you have any ideas of where we should come just give us a message.

We will also be back and providing free breakfasts during the height of exams for undergrads. There will be vegan and gluten-free options and we will be stationed at key exam locations from 8.15am. Timetable coming soon. 

Finding a place to study with light, no expectation to spend money, and actual space is pretty hard to come by in Cambridge. The SU is open from 8am-7pm on weekdays for students to use as a casual study space. Student groups can also book it for specific study sessions. The timetable below will be updated at the start of each week for events in the Lounge.

If you or your society would like to book the lounge email



SU Lounge Timetable


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend

Open Study Space

Open Study Space Open Study Space Open Study Space Open Study Space Closed on weekends
1pm Society Study Session: Young Greens

Admin Afternoons 

SU x ADHD Society

5pm Open Study Space




   Exam Blogs

There are no current news articles.



De-stress & Wellness events

Yoga Wednesdays: Whether you're a seasoned yogi or new to the practise come and join us for a fulfilling session of relaxation and wellness Yoga Wednesday
5th June 1pm - 2pm
West Hub
Yoga Wednesdays: Whether you're a seasoned yogi or new to the practise come and join us for a fulfilling session of relaxation and wellness Yoga Wednesday
12th June 1pm - 2pm
West Hub
Yoga Wednesdays: Whether you're a seasoned yogi or new to the practise come and join us for a fulfilling session of relaxation and wellness Yoga Wednesday
19th June 1pm - 2pm
West Hub
Yoga Wednesdays: Whether you're a seasoned yogi or new to the practise come and join us for a fulfilling session of relaxation and wellness Yoga Wednesday
26th June 1pm - 2pm
West Hub



What to do if things go wrong

Nobody wants to think about what happens if your exam/assessment doesn’t go to plan, but it can be useful to be aware of your options as most processes have deadlines. The options available to you depend on your course and the type of issue that affected your assessment. Below are some FAQ's, however if you have an issue that hasn't been covered then you can find more in depth information on our

I was ill during my exam

In person exams - If you feel unwell during an exam, let an invigilator know and they will be able to take the appropriate action. If you need to leave the venue before the end of the exam, your College Tutorial Office will be alerted and you should follow up with them immediately.


Online exam - If you become unwell during the assessment and are unable to continue, you should submit the work you have completed so far and inform your College Tutorial Office as soon as possible. They will provide you with guidance on what to do next.


You should also contact a medical professional (where appropriate) for medical support. Applications for allowances require relevant, contemporary and specific evidence of illness.


I feel unwell and can't make it to my exam

If you feel unwell on the day of your exam and do not think that you are able to sit your exam, then you should get in contact with your College Tutorial Office immediately to let them know you are unwell. You will be marked as absent from the exam and your College will discuss what mitigations may be appropriate.

I think I have failed my exam(s), what can I do?

Ask your Director of Studies or Supervisor if they can check that the scoring has been added up correctly.


If no error can be found in the scoring and you have reasons to believe that your results have been affected by any of the following:


- A procedural irregularity in the examination process that has adversely impacted your examination results;

- Demonstrable bias or the perception of bias within the examination process;

- The withdrawal of academic provision, which has had a demonstrable impact on the examination itself of which the Examining Board were not aware; (this ground is for students whose assessment results have been adversely affected by industrial action)

- Extenuating circumstances – serious illness or other grave cause;



Contact your College Tutor or speak to the Student Advice Service ( to discuss your options. Do this as soon as possible after receiving your formal results as there are time constraints when submitting an application to the University.

I had a technical issue during my online exam/assessment

Moodle -If you are unable to download the question paper or experience other forms of technical difficulty accessing the course, contact the Moodle helpdesk at The helpdesk is monitored Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm BST. If the query is urgent before 9am, do not wait until 9am to inform the helpdesk of urgent issues but rather email them at any time so that the helpdesk will be aware when it opens.

If you have difficulties submitting your work at the end of the exam, email your file to You will receive an automated response which you should consider as confirmation of receipt. This should be done to demonstrate completion within the upload period and avoid any penalties.

Inspera - If you encounter difficulties accessing the exam via the Inspera portal, or if you have interruptions to your internet connection whilst finishing your exam in the Inspera portal, there will be technical support available on site.Further guidance can be found on pages 7 of the Student Guide to exams taken on Inspera.

I don't know how to revise best

Everyone has different ways of revising, but sometimes it is hard to know where to start. The University's guidance on revision tips can give you some ideas on how to succeed in your exams and reduce stress and panic.

It is also worth talking to your friends/course mates about any recommendations they have for good revision methods!