
The Cambridge SU Disabled Students' Campaign Forum is the heart of democratic participation for Disabled students at Cambridge. 
All Disabled students at the University are welcome to engage in discussion with the DSC Committee and the Disabled Students Officer, raise any questions or issues they have that relate to the activities or interests of the Campaign and find out about the work the Committee and DSO have been working towards over the summer and in the first couple of weeks of Michaelmas Term.
If you're unsure whether you are a constituent of the DSC, check out the 'Does it Count?' infographic (plain text provided underneath) over at https://www.disabled.cusu.cam.ac.uk/does-it-count.../2019/. We have a policy of allowing constituents the freedom to self-identify as Disabled and will not make any inquiries into that self-identification. It's entirely up to you to decide whether you qualify as a constituent!
The meeting will take place on the DSC Team in Microsoft Teams. Participants are welcome to leave their microphone and video feed off. For those unable to join via Teams, live minutes will be taken on the agenda doc (see Google doc below).
Follow the link to find the Forum channel https://teams.microsoft.com/.../19.../DSC%2520Forum...
The agenda/live minutes will be linked as a Google doc by 4pm on Saturday 17th October.
If you have any questions, reach out the the Chair of the DSC Committee, Rory Kent (CRSid: rdk32).