
CUGSS is aimed at ANYONE who is interested to learn more about how gender shapes our world in the past, present, and future. No matter your expertise, course, or age, all are welcome!

We are a young society that explores gender, culture and intersectionality. We seek to raise awareness of gender studies and empower gender equality movements through discussions, talks, workshops and other events. Our members come from various disciplines, cultures and identities, and anyone who's interested in gender and culture is welcome to join our sessions (which are very friendly and assume no prior knowledge!).

Memebership is open and do find out more by joining our Facebook page or groups below! Link to subscribe to our mailing list is in the contact information.

Currently we are also recruiting committee positions including events, publicity and logistics officer (and more)-- if you are keen, please email us and we can have a chat to see which role suits you!