Launch of SU Society Grants

Over the past three years, Cambridge SU has steadily expanded its support for societies; we’ve delivered an in-person Freshers’ Fair three times since the pandemic, and most recently held a successful Refreshers’ Fair in the University Centre.

We’ve introduced a society newsletter, simplified the system for registering a society in Cambridge, and streamlined our administrative support; we’ve also been able to start offering finance accounts for societies, making it easier and simpler to run a society. 

These were really positive changes, but - in comparison to other universities and students’ unions - one piece of the puzzle was always missing: funding. Cambridge SU hasn’t previously been able to give funding directly to student societies.

I’m delighted to be able to announce that, as of today, Monday 29th January, we have launched SU Society Grants - an opportunity for any registered society to apply for funding directly from the SU! You can see more information about how to apply here, along with information about the criteria for doing so.

I promised to obtain more resources for societies in my election manifesto last year, so I’m delighted that we’ve been able to deliver this change. A lot of work has gone into launching these grants, above all by our dedicated Activities Team, to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude.

I’m especially proud that we’ve been able to create a genuinely liberal system, that empowers student societies to spend money in ways that benefit them. We have avoided the paternalistic approach - so often exhibited by Colleges - of banning certain items, or treating students as anything less than fully independent adults, who can make their own decisions about what benefits them, their societies, and their communities.

While we hope this process is as streamlined as it can be, we always want to hear feedback, so please drop me or the Activities Team a line at any time if you want to discuss the system and how it can be improved!


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