The Cambridge University Guild of Change Ringers (CUGCR) is the bell ringing society, welcoming experienced ringers, complete beginners or anywhere in between.
Click here to see our termcard for Lent 2023!
Fancy learning an art which:
- has been going for centuries but is still evolving and growing in exciting new ways?
- makes you an instant group of friends here in Cambridge or anywhere across the country?
- makes a lot of noise?
- is appreciated by musicians and mathematicians alike (but doesn't require you to be either)?
Try bell ringing! If you're interested please get in touch by emailing master@cugcr.org.uk or filling in this form. Read on for more infomation or watch our introductory video...
English Change Ringing has been practised in churches across the country for centuries - the CU Guild was founded in 1879. Many people see it as a typically 'English' phenomenon, however it has a growing world-wide following, particularly in Australia and America. Although we do still practise in church buildings (because that is where most bells are hung), there is certainly no need to be a Christian or a churchgoer. Bells are probably one of the most publicly audible musical instruments you'll ever have a chance to play, and we do still ring them on a Sunday before the church's service, but our practice nights and various other ringing and social events throughout the year are a chance to get together and make a merry noise, all in the anonymity of the bell tower! But don't worry if you aren't musical! You'll soon see that ringing is more about settling into a rhythm (think riding a bike) than other aspects of musicality - let the bells take care of that. You don't necessarily need physical strength either, a good technique is far more useful. As well as ringing bells in churches we also ring handbells, very much a team activity, which is satisfying to learn and relies on pattern spotting and coordination with the other ringers.
When you've learnt to ring you
can go anywhere in the country with a ring of bells and get a warm welcome, so there's a ready-made group of friends waiting - and if you find a society anything like ours, they'll be keen to have you join in the social side of ringing (plenty of pub-going and dinner-eating). That goes for new students here - we're always especially keen to welcome ringing freshers who can bring their experience to the band, whether just started or with a few years under the belt. The CU Guild also does plenty of teaching so whether you’re a complete beginner or much more experienced, please get in touch.
Have a look at our website for the latest meeting times and events!
Animation from http://fortran.orpheusweb.co.uk/
'Welcome to CUGCR' Video transcript and credits here