
CICCU is a society for anyone interested in Jesus and the Christian faith. Whether exploring these ideas for the first time or a committed Christian, everyone is so welcome!

We’re a group of students from across the Cambridge colleges who believe the good news about Jesus found in the Bible is too good not to share! CICCU (Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union) is here to facilitate this, partly by putting on talks and events about Christianity, and exploring big questions about life, faith and meaning. These events provide a space for everyone, regardless of your background or belief, to engage with the life-changing message of Jesus, who promises an unshakeable hope, true satisfaction, and eternal life!

CICCU is also a community where Christians encourage one another to live our whole lives as a witness to what Jesus has done for us, so that many others can come to know his love too.  We meet weekly as a whole society and also weekly in college groups. We are not a church and are not affiliated to any church, but we encourage all members to make regular involvement with a local church a priority. 

FRESHERS: we are running a getaway on 17th-19th September called Freshaway. It's a great chance to get to know other freshers before you've even arrived and, most importantly, to explore living for Jesus at Cambridge! If you're interested, please follow this link: Freshers’ Getaway – CICCU 

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We can't wait to hear from you :))