
Forums decide the direction of the BME Campaign. All BME students are welcome to attend to raise concerns, hold the elected BME Campaign committee (and me!) to account, and get involved in campaigns for change. For BME reps, these will be a great space to share what you’ve been up to and what difficulties you’ve been facing in your college, share skills and advice, and coordinate campaigns with others. Each Forum will consist of a ‘themed’ discussion based on a certain topic and an ‘open’ section - a call for submissions to decide on the agenda of the ‘open’ section will be circulated in advance of each Forum.

For our first Forum, we want to introduce ourselves and our aims/priorities as elected Liberation Campaign reps to BME officers and BME students. We also want to hear your thoughts and opinions about how term has been going so far and what sort of action you want to see from the BME Campaign to support the BME community.

For more details about this and our upcoming Forums, please see: https://www.facebook.com/CAMBRIDGESUBME/posts/159476295846226.