Cambridge SU

BME Campaign


We are the BME campaign


The Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Campaign represents, supports, and advocates for all BME students at the University of Cambridge.

We bring together organisations from across the University to campaign for an inclusive Cambridge. We organise events to build communities of care and compassion for BME students, coordinate with JCR/MCR reps and societies to strengthen BME student representation, and campaign on the big issues that matter to BME students - everything ranging from the lack of targeted mental health support for BME students and racist treatment by student-facing staff, to the Prevent Duty and the Collegiate University's continued connections with the arms trade, the fossil fuel lobby, and corporations that profit from the death and destruction of communities across the globe.



Upcoming events

Statement from the BME Campaign on Supporting Palestinian Protests in Cambridge and Urging University Divestment from Arms Companies


We, the Black & Minority Ethnic Campaign, stand in solidarity with  Palestinian protests in Cambridge. Our commitment to justice, equality, and human rights compels us to support the Palestinian community in their struggle for freedom and dignity. 

We join our students and staff in demanding that the University of Cambridge acknowledge and condemn this ongoing genocide, call for an immediate ceasefire, divest from Israel’s war and apartheid regime, and put an end to institutional partnerships and research collaborations with companies complicit in violations of international law.

We call upon the University of Cambridge to take a principled stance against the arms trade, which exacerbates conflict and perpetuates violence. By investing in arms companies, the university is complicit in the suffering and destruction caused by these weapons. Divestment is a powerful tool to demonstrate our commitment to peace and human rights. It sends a clear message that we will not support industries that profit from war and oppression.

As a prestigious institution, the University of Cambridge has the opportunity to lead by example. Divesting from arms companies aligns with our shared values of integrity, social responsibility, and respect for human dignity. It is a step towards a more just and peaceful world, where resources are used to build, not destroy.

Cambridge University claims to stand for a ‘proactive and inclusive approach to equality’ and to support ‘all under-represented groups.’ The university’s passive silence towards the genocide against Palestinians however jeopardises its stated commitment to solidarity and inclusivity. Many Palestinian students and staff at Cambridge are directly impacted by the events in Gaza and are in urgent need of active and immediate support and solidarity.

We urge the University of Cambridge to protect students’ freedom of assembly and expression. We reject all forms of racism and discrimination, including antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism, and base our calls for divestment against Israel on these principles. 

We urge the university administration to listen to the voices of students, staff, and the broader community who are calling for ethical investment policies. We urgently call on university management to meet with members of the Solidarity Encampment to discuss their demands and take concrete steps towards ethical investment and institutional accountability.

Together, we can create a future where our investments reflect our values and contribute to the well-being of all people, regardless of their race, nationality, or religion.

In solidarity with the Palestinian people and in pursuit of justice,


BME Campaign Executive Committee

What we're working on

Our key priorities as an elected committee for the year ahead:

  • Building a sustainable community around the BME Campaign for BME students.

  • Campaign for every college to have a BME counsellor.

  • Foster a network between the college BME officers( or equivalent), subject societies and cultural societies. 

  • Increase access projects available to BME students across the board, with cooperation from cultural, and subject societies. 

  • To advocate for an increase in BME representation in existing mentoring schemes for accessing higher education. 

  • To foster a community for women and non-binary BME students with dedicated events. 

  • To inspire BME students by celebrating the achievements of BME people of our time. 

Think there is something missing? Come along to forum or contact us, we always welcome new ideas!