Who we are



Cambridge SU LGBT+ is the Cambridge University Students’ Union Campaign for LGBT+ students at Cambridge. We seek to represent and support all students who self-identify as LGBT+.


You can contact the campaign at lgbt@cambridgesu.co.uk

Open meetings

We hold open meetings at least twice a term and these are where many of our decisions are made. These are open to all members of the Campaign and every member can vote. Open meetings give an opportunity to hear about what the committee members have been doing and we also propose, develop and review our policies.

Open meeting agendas are published a few days beforehand!



The Cambridge SU LGBT+ committee are elected for year-long terms, with half the roles being elected in late November (end of Michaelmas term), and the other half in early March (end of Lent term).

At the end of Michaelmas term 2022, we will be electing the Presidents (UG and PG), one Campaigns Officer, one Welfare Officer, one Zine Officer, one Trans/NB rep, one BME rep, the Bi/Pan rep, the Disabled Students' rep and the Class Act rep.


How decisions are made

Many of our decisions are had at open meetings where all members of the campaign can attend and vote. We also have committee meetings and we report back on what we've been doing at open meetings!