
Are you a student from a forced migration background with thoughts for how colleges can better meet your needs? Currently STAR Cambridge is pushing for colleges to improve its provisions, policies and consideration for its refugee student body. Your thoughts are so valuable in helping us drive for change in a way that truly helps people from refugee backgrounds feel that they are as supported, safe and included during their time at Cam.

We look forward to meeting you on Tuesday 7th. There is a teams link which will become available at the time of the event, for those unnable to attend in person.

If you have any questions, please contact Lia Joffe (she/her) through our STAR email: star@cambridgesu.co.uk

The exact location of the SU Lounge can be found via this link here.

There is step free and wheelchair access via the lift. There is a variety of padded seating, an accessible toilet, and a gender-neutral toilet. There isn't a hearing loop, a BSL interpreter, general car parking, or blue badge parking. This is a relaxed event; you may move around the room, lie down, arrive or leave whenever you wish, etc.

If you have any additional access requirements, please email .