
Thinking about intermission, going through it or just want to find out more about taking a break from your studies? Come along to our relaxed social and chat with other students and our Intermission officers. All students welcome - you don’t have to be a disabled student or be intermitting for only medical reasons.


We meet over Google Meet, which all students have access to via their CRSID, and which offers automatic captions. You are welcome to contribute via the chat function if you would prefer, to have mic and camera on or off as you prefer and to take breaks, arrive or leave whenever suits you. If you have any questions please contact our Intermission officers here: https://www.disabled.cusu.cam.ac.uk/exec/ 

You might also want to join our private Facebook group ‘Intermission Solidarity and Support’ which has hundreds of students who have gone through similar things to you! Only people in the group can see who the other group members are and our Intermission officers can be found here too.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/intermissionatcambridge/ There is also an Intermission messenger chat - contact our officers to be added!